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Next Cohort Deadline Dec 20 Apply Today
Next Cohort Deadline Dec 20 Apply Today


We offer an assortment of self-paced video electives with supplemental downloads and templates. These courses give you the basics and allow you to engage when it’s convenient for you. They are a great way to get started.

“Voltage Control helped me stand out as a candidate committed to growing and learning the skills that today’s workplaces need. I got the job, and am ready to keep learning!”

Jennifer Houlihan​


Online Course

Magical Meetings

Learn a systematic method to better approach the before, the during, and the after of meetings to ensure they are magical.

Online Course

Workshop Design

Learn the foundational learning experience design principles that you can apply in your workshop facilitation to maximize participant potential.

Online Course

Liberating Structures

Learn the key foundations in Liberating Structures to unleash creativity in your meetings through maximum participation.

Online Course

Design Sprints

Learn tips and tricks for facilitating a Design Sprint (whether it’s your first or 101st) and for incorporating these techniques into normal meetings.

Online Course

Design Thinking Foundations

Learn the key foundations in design thinking to better solve problems and seize opportunities.

Online Course

Group Problem Solving

Learn how to facilitate complex group problem solving processes.

Online Course

Facilitating Design Workshops

Learn the foundational learning experience design principles that you can apply in your workshop facilitation to maximize participant potential.

Online Course

Intro to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Your Org

Empower business and technology leaders to envision how AI might concretely benefit their organization.

Online Course

Cascades: Adopting a Changemaker Mindset

Learn how to facilitate the transformational change you hope for across your organization and community.

Online Course

Practical Clean Language

Learn to use a precision toolkit for uncovering the “unknown knowns” that drive peoples’ thinking and behavior.

Online Course

Product Roadmapping

Learn how to facilitate the creation of product roadmaps to align stakeholders, prioritize ideas and requests, and ultimately help companies deliver on their strategy.

Online Course

Facilitating Engagement

Learn how to unleash engagement.

Online Course


Learn how to play with a purpose using these effective icebreakers.

Online Course

Narrative Futures Design

Learn and practice tools for Narrative Futures Design and outside-the-box innovation to expand the futures we design and create.

Online Course

Don't Take it Persona-ly

Learn tactics for managing people and getting the most out of your team.

Online Course

Mapping Ecosystems & Experiences

Mapping out journeys, experiences and ecosystems is fundamental to Service Design. It’s how we make sense of complex systems, chunk them down into manageable pieces of work, but still maintain the connections between the different channels & stages. 

Online Course

Storytelling, Pitching, & Presenting

A great idea goes nowhere if nobody understands it. This course draws upon the fundamentals of storytelling and shows how to use them to shape project proposals, presentations and pitches, as well as what to use when. 

Online Course

Research and Synthesis

Learn how to interview clients, users or customers, so your team can use the gift of feedback to make better decisions, faster.

Online Course

Intro to Facilitating with Visuals: Part 1

Learn how to start bringing visuals into your meetings in a fun, purposeful, and creative way that will have a real impact on improving your outcomes.

Online Course

Intro to Facilitating with Visuals: Part 2

Learn how to start bringing visuals into your meetings in a fun, purposeful, and creative way that will have a real impact on improving your outcomes.

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Let’s Get Started

Fill out this quick form, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

We’ll reach out to set up a complimentary 30-minute consultation call to discuss your specific situation, your organizational dynamics, and your vision for the future. 

Once we’ve gotten to know more about your needs, we’ll recommend a path forward.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Why Voltage Control?

Today's leaders are confronted with unprecedented uncertainty and complex change. Navigating this uncertainty requires a facilitative approach to gain clarity and chart pathways forward. Our programs prepare you to:

The Books

Bring Your Ideas to Life

Innovation can seem complex or reserved for the exceptional. But we believe innovation is for everyone. We’ve set out to illuminate a path for you to generate bold ideas, visualize and share them, overcome obstacles, and turn them into reality. Our books are equal parts guidebook and stories from years of experience helping companies adopt an innovation mindset and culture. They’re practical & actionable, so you can get started now. We hope they’ll help you on your journey to realizing your biggest, boldest ideas.