This year’s theme was “Community” to commemorate our first year working with a local non-profit organization and celebrate the launch of our new community hub.

Facilitation Lab Summit 2024 was an extraordinary event filled with insightful sessions and meaningful connections. On February 6th and 7th, we hosted our annual facilitator summit, featuring a diverse range of speakers who shared their expertise and experiences. The theme for this year’s summit was COMMUNITY, emphasizing the importance of community in learning and growth.

The summit provided an invaluable opportunity for facilitators to learn, connect, and grow. We were privileged to hear from a diverse group of speakers who shared their experiences, insights, and strategies for facilitating impactful meetings and events.

Overall, the Facilitation Lab Summit 2024 was a remarkable and enriching experience for all participants. We eagerly look forward to next year’s summit and the chance to further hone our facilitation skills and strengthen our community. Read on for a summary of each of the workshops delivered by our facilitators.

Liya James

Relational Attunement™: From Breakdown to Breakthrough

In Liya’s session “Mastering Inner Dialogues,” she explored the significance of our internal narratives in shaping our facilitation effectiveness. She provided practical tools for identifying and managing these inner conversations to improve self-awareness and decision-making.

Through techniques like mapping dialogues and practicing mindful reflection, facilitators can achieve greater clarity and presence. This session emphasizes the power of internal dialogue in influencing external interactions and offers strategies to harness this for more impactful facilitation.

Durell Coleman

Building Consensus Amongst Multiple Stakeholders: Current State/End State

During “Building Consensus Amongst Multiple Stakeholders,” Durell Coleman shares strategies for navigating the complexities of achieving consensus in groups with diverse interests. He emphasized the importance of understanding each stakeholder’s perspective and aligning on common goals.

Durell introduced practical techniques such as active listening, open communication, and structured decision-making processes to foster collaboration. He also highlighted the role of a facilitator in guiding discussions, managing conflicts, and ensuring that every voice is heard. By applying these methods, facilitators can help groups reach mutually beneficial agreements and drive successful outcomes.

Ozay Moore

What’s in the Soil?

In “What’s in the Soil?” Ozay Moore explored the metaphor of soil to illustrate the foundational elements necessary for effective facilitation. He likens healthy soil to a fertile environment where ideas can grow and flourish. Ozay emphasized the importance of creating a supportive and nurturing atmosphere for participants, drawing parallels between the nutrients in soil and the essential components of a successful facilitation process.

He discussed the need for facilitators to cultivate trust, encourage open communication, and provide the right mix of structure and flexibility. By understanding and enriching the ‘soil’ of their facilitation environments, practitioners can foster more productive and engaging sessions.

Dirk Van Onsem & Erik Skogsberg

Facilitating Change by Mapping Systems

During “Facilitating Change by Mapping Systems,” Erik and Dirk dove into the power of system mapping to drive organizational change. They explained how visualizing complex systems helps identify key leverage points for effective interventions. They highlighted the benefits of using system maps to understand relationships and dynamics within an organization, enabling facilitators to guide strategic planning and decision-making more effectively.

By mapping out these systems, facilitators can reveal hidden patterns, foster collaboration, and create actionable insights that lead to sustainable change. This approach empowers teams to see the bigger picture and align their efforts toward common goals.

Solomon Masala

Using Art and Conversation for Convergence

“Using Art and Conversation for Convergence,” found Solomon emphasizing the synergy between art and dialogue in facilitation. He explored how incorporating artistic elements into conversations can break down barriers and foster deeper connections among participants. Solomon highlighted techniques such as visual thinking and creative exercises to enhance engagement and idea generation.

By blending art with structured conversation, facilitators can create a more inclusive and dynamic environment, encouraging participants to express themselves more freely and collaboratively. This approach not only stimulates creativity but also drives convergence, helping groups reach consensus and achieve collective goals more effectively.

Lily Chong

A Design Thinking Deep Dive on Rapid Ideation

In Lily’s workshop “A Design Thinking Deep Dive on Rapid Ideation” she focused on harnessing the power of teams for innovation, and participants delved into a variety of hands-on activities and practical exercises. The workshop effectively demonstrated valuable techniques for facilitating ideation sessions, enabling attendees to unlock the creative potential within their groups.

Through this engaging experience, participants learned how to generate a wide array of innovative solutions to challenging problems. The session equipped everyone with the necessary skills and mindset to drive impactful change through rapid ideation, fostering a collaborative and creative atmosphere.

Erin Warner

Daring Dialogues: Refining Ideas and Embracing Bold Action

In “Daring Dialogues: Refining Ideas and Embracing Bold Action,” Erin Warner discussed the importance of engaging in courageous conversations to refine ideas and take decisive action. She emphasized the need for creating a safe space where participants feel comfortable sharing honest and bold perspectives. Erin introduced techniques for facilitating these dialogues, such as active listening, open-ended questioning, and fostering an atmosphere of trust.

By encouraging daring dialogues, facilitators can help teams move beyond surface-level discussions, uncover deeper insights, and embrace bold actions that drive meaningful progress. This approach not only enhances idea generation but also strengthens team cohesion and innovation.

Susan Wilson-Golab

Developing Narratives that Bring Voice to Targeted Audience

In “Developing Narratives that Bring Voice to Targeted Audiences,” Susan emphasized the power of storytelling in facilitation. She explained how crafting compelling narratives can amplify the voices of specific audiences, ensuring their perspectives are heard and valued. Susan introduced practical techniques for creating these narratives, such as understanding the audience’s needs, weaving in emotional elements, and maintaining authenticity.

By focusing on these aspects, facilitators can enhance engagement and connection, making their sessions more impactful. The session highlighted the transformative potential of storytelling in creating meaningful dialogues and fostering a deeper sense of inclusion and understanding among participants.

The Facilitation Lab Summit 2024 was a testament to the power of community. Each session offered valuable insights and practical tools that facilitators can apply in their work. We are excited to see how these learnings will shape our community in the coming year and look forward to the next summit with great anticipation. Thank you to all the facilitators and participants who made this event a success.