Our latest thoughts on innovation, design, and transformation.


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Design Thinking | April 26, 2024

Explore the transformative power of brainstorming in design thinking, a pivotal phase that drives innovation and creates impactful user-centric solutions. This comprehensive guide delves into best practices for fostering an environment where creativity flourishes and diverse ideas converge to solve complex problems. Emphasizing the importance of psychological safety, it reveals how design-led companies have significantly outperformed market averages by prioritizing inclusive and dynamic brainstorming sessions. Learn effective techniques like encouraging diverse participation, deferring judgment, and setting clear roles to enhance ideation. Additionally, discover tools and strategies to overcome common challenges like groupthink and dominant voices, ensuring every brainstorming session is a fertile ground for groundbreaking ideas and solutions.

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Meeting Culture | April 24, 2024

This article explores the dynamic process of concept development within design thinking, emphasizing best practices that align closely with user needs for impactful innovation. It delves into the stages of ideation from empathetic understanding to tangible solutions, highlighting the importance of empathy, divergent and convergent thinking, and iterative development. Key strategies include fostering a collaborative environment, embracing a user-centric approach, encouraging free ideation, and using visual thinking tools. The blog also discusses overcoming creative blocks, combating groupthink, and the significance of user feedback in refining concepts. Through a blend of creativity and pragmatism, it guides readers on transforming insights into innovative solutions that resonate and make a tangible impact.

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Podcast | April 23, 2024

In this episode of the Facilitation Lab podcast, Douglas Ferguson converses with Susan Wilson Go Lab about her evolution from a K-12 district administrator to an expert in educational leadership and facilitation. Susan delves into her career progression, the significance of adapting to different organizational cultures, and the patience needed for effective change facilitation. Her reflections offer valuable insights into the world of professional learning and the art of facilitation.

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Meeting Culture | April 22, 2024

Discover the power of iteration in design thinking through our comprehensive guide. Iteration is essential for refining solutions and overcoming challenges such as analysis paralysis, resistance to change, and feedback overload. Learn about the iterative cycle stages from brainstorming to refinement and implement best practices for fruitful iteration. Dive into low-fidelity prototyping, embracing failures as learning opportunities, and ensuring continuous improvement with a focus on user needs. This article explores the significant business value of design-led strategies, evidenced by companies outperforming the S&P 500 by 228%. Embrace the iterative journey and transform challenges into opportunities for innovation and improved project outcomes.

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Facilitation Lab Summit | April 19, 2024

Durell Coleman leads "Building Consensus Amongst Multiple Stakeholders: Current State/End State" at the 2024 Facilitation Lab Summit, exploring consensus-building in diverse groups. Through engaging activities like "Enemy Defender," Coleman applies human-centered design principles to teach empathy and strategic thinking, challenging participants to become catalysts for change in their communities. This dynamic workshop highlights practical approaches to inclusive dialogue and decision-making, inspiring attendees to drive meaningful societal impact.

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Meeting Culture | April 18, 2024

Discover the essentials of effective validation in design thinking with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to ensure your creative solutions resonate with users and align with business goals through systematic evaluation. We cover best practices, from defining success criteria to engaging users for feedback, and explore the tools and metrics for validating your solutions effectively. Whether you're refining ideas or testing new innovations, our insights help you navigate this critical phase confidently. Unlock the potential of user-centric design and achieve successful outcomes with our expert advice on design thinking validation.

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Alumni Stories | April 17, 2024

Discover how a designer's passion for collaboration evolved into a mastery of facilitation in "The Unexpected Journey." Initially focused on design, Jim’s career took a transformative turn towards facilitation during a pivotal project at LexisNexis. This experience sparked a deeper engagement with facilitation techniques, leading to significant roles at Citrix and Mural. The blog details Jim’s journey of learning and growth, culminating in a certification in facilitation, and highlights the profound impact of structured facilitation on professional development and collaborative innovation. This odyssey not only enhanced Jim's skills but also broadened their influence in the field of collaborative design and facilitation.

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Meeting Culture | April 16, 2024

Discover the transformative power of storytelling in design thinking with our comprehensive guide. Storytelling, proven to be up to 22 times more memorable than mere facts, plays a pivotal role in design by turning abstract concepts into tangible user experiences. It combines cognitive neuroscience insights with creative visualization to enhance memory retention, simplify complexities, and foster deep emotional connections. Learn how narrative and visual elements, when integrated effectively, can revolutionize design processes, making them more user-centric, engaging, and effective. This guide highlights the profound impact storytelling has on the human brain, referencing studies from the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. It illustrates the benefits of storytelling in design, including engaging users, simplifying complex ideas, building empathy, enhancing collaboration, and motivating action.

The Books

Bring Your Ideas to Life

Innovation can seem complex or reserved for the exceptional. But we believe innovation is for everyone. We’ve set out to illuminate a path for you to generate bold ideas, visualize and share them, overcome obstacles, and turn them into reality. Our books are equal parts guidebook and stories from years of experience helping companies adopt an innovation mindset and culture. They’re practical & actionable, so you can get started now. We hope they’ll help you on your journey to realizing your biggest, boldest ideas.