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Next Cohort Deadline March 21st Apply Today
Next Cohort Deadline March 21st Apply Today
Facilitation Development
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CPSI – Engage – Intro to Liberating Structures

Performing at your peak potential during meetings using conventional structures–like open discussion, brainstorms, or presentations–is tough. These dynamics stifle participant inclusion, participation, and engagement, which can make you feel unheard, misunderstood, or simply bored. It’s possible to liberate the participation, playfulness, and creativity in meetings with the help of Liberating Structures. Key Takeaways • Never Start Without a Clear Purpose(s) • Include and Unleash Everyone • Build Trust as You go • Practice Self-discovery within a Group
The Books

Bring Your Ideas to Life

Innovation can seem complex or reserved for the exceptional. But we believe innovation is for everyone. We’ve set out to illuminate a path for you to generate bold ideas, visualize and share them, overcome obstacles, and turn them into reality. Our books are equal parts guidebook and stories from years of experience helping companies adopt an innovation mindset and culture. They’re practical & actionable, so you can get started now. We hope they’ll help you on your journey to realizing your biggest, boldest ideas.