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Next Cohort Deadline Dec 20 Apply Today
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At this year's Facilitation Lab Summit, Erik Skogsberg and Dirk Van Onsem delivered a thought-provoking workshop titled "Facilitating Change Through Systems Mapping." The session was designed to help participants understand and leverage the power of systems thinking to drive change within their organizations.

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Facilitation Skills | June 21, 2024

Facilitation skills are vital for guiding groups, fostering collaboration, and achieving goals. This article highlights the importance of developing these skills through mentoring, coaching, and experiential learning. Mentoring provides valuable guidance, builds professional networks, and enhances institutional knowledge. Coaching focuses on specific skill development with goal setting, practice, and feedback loops. Experiential learning involves applying facilitation skills in real-world settings, encouraging reflection, and active participation. By integrating these methods, facilitators can improve communication, manage dynamics, and ensure productive meetings, leading to overall organizational success.