Beat low morale and low team morale by creating a culture of positive morale-boosting practices.

Low morale and low team morale are bad for business. While most employers hope to have a dream team of excited and passionate team members, what happens when that spark fades?

Beat low morale and low team morale

Studies find that low morale takes a heavy toll on the American economy. A Gallup Organization study revealed that reportedly 22 million disengaged employees result in 350 billion dollars in lost productivity each year. 

The best way to combat the threat of low morale in the workplace is to take preventative and proactive action. 

In this article we’ll discuss:

  • The Danger of Low Team Morale 
  • The Truth Behind Low Employee Morale
  • Why Good Morale is Good for Business

The Danger of Low Team Morale 

Morale is an essential component of any workplace. A lack of team morale will ultimately threaten the health and productivity of your team and company at large. Low morale employees are disengaged, unmotivated, and apathetic toward their jobs, the work they do, and their employers. 

The risk is too great when faced with the threat of low morale and low team morale. Low morale and low team morale can quickly poison an entire company when left unaddressed. When one employee begins to feel the effects of low team morale, others are likely to fall prey to it. 

For this reason, the sooner you act to correct unfavorable employee morale, the better future your company and team members will have.

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The Truth Behind Low Employee Morale 

The endemic of poor employee morale may start with something as subtle as a lack of validation or acknowledgment of work. With time, these feelings can result in a rise in conflict, higher turnover rates, and increased absenteeism. 

One of the best ways to root out low morale is to stop it before it has a chance to spread through your workplace. For example, a recent study by O.C. Tanner, 80% of employees leave their job due to a lack of appreciation. Such an alarming statistic has a surprisingly simple solution: validating and appreciating employees. Employers can actively raise staff morale with incentives like free training, increased flexibility, and public shout-outs. 

Watch out for the following signs to identify poor behavior and negative attitudes before they escalate into low morale and low team morale:

  1. Team Members Have Negative Attitudes

Employee morale is dependent on the overall attitude of your team. While it isn’t likely every employee will always be the happiest at work, maintaining an overall positive attitude is an important part of promoting higher morale. 

When employers allow a few team members’ negative attitudes to fester, this can significantly affect the way other team members feel about their work. While it’s normal to feel the effects of work-related stress, persistently discouraged, unhappy, and angry employees can effectively deflate the morale of the rest of the team. 

If you notice negative attitudes in your team, it’s important to address them as soon as possible. First, identify the problem and schedule time to discuss it one-on-one with each person, whether during an in-person meeting or via video chat session. Once you learn the root of their negativity, discuss strategies to alleviate their conflict.  

2. There Isn’t Job Security

If employees feel as though their position at a company isn’t secure, this can contribute to low morale and low team morale. The best way to combat this situation is to reassure your employees about their place in your company. 

If any challenges arise, it’s best to have transparent conversations that allow team members an honest look at the future of their jobs. Once team members receive reassurance about their role in your company, they are likely to return to their work with renewed energy and passion, knowing that they are important members of your company. 

3. The Work Environment Isn’t Healthy

An unhealthy work environment contributes significantly to low morale and low team morale. While each employee is responsible for their mindset and motivation, it’s impossible to expect your team to perform at their best in a toxic environment. 

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4. Team Members Lack Confidence

If team members aren’t equipped with the tools and knowledge to do their job, they will lack the capability to perform efficiently and successfully. Likewise, team members that are often overlooked will feel as though the work they are doing isn’t good enough. 

Have an honest conversation with your employees to make sure they feel they are adequately supported at work. Offer assistance in the way of additional training or the resources to make sure they have what they need to thrive at work. 

If your team members aren’t performing well at work, be sure to exercise patience and grace in your conversations with them. Assure your team members that you will be there to support them and make the necessary adjustments to support their improvement.

example of combating low morale and low team moral

Why Good Morale is Good for Business

Just as low morale and low team morale can have a significant impact on your team, cultivating a culture of positivity is good for business. With increased engagement and overall satisfaction at work, teams will enjoy increased productivity, creativity, and profitability.

Businesses with poor employee morale can boost their company culture by maintaining a happy workforce and positive company culture. While you can’t predict how your employees will always feel about their work or workplace, it’s important that employers set the tone for maintaining positive team morale. 

Combat low morale, burnout, and work-related stress with the following morale-boosting suggestions:

1. Align Team Members with Your Core Values

Your company values intrinsically affect your employee morale. Set the tone by communicating your company’s values, vision, goals, and mission with all team members. Make an effort to continually maintain and communicate your values to ensure your team understands and aligns with your company. 

2. Use Open Lines of Communication

Communication is key in cultivating team morale. Encourage your team members to share their thoughts, questions, and concerns with colleagues and managers. Additionally, team leaders should communicate their expectations and needs as well so both employees and employers understand each other. 

3. Cultivate a Culture of Positivity

 Positivity is an important part of any healthy company culture. Leaders should maintain a positive perspective to promote an enjoyable workplace and boost morale. Management can encourage positive thinking from the top down by choosing optimism in contentious situations and working to problem solve rather than give in to stress or fear when faced with problems.

example of combating low morale and low team moral

4. Encourage Employee Feedback

Employee feedback plays an important role in building team morale. Remind your team that you value their opinion and suggestions by regularly asking for feedback or constructive criticism. By taking their opinions and suggestions into consideration, you will remind them that they’re a valued member of the team.

5. Use Team-Building Activities

The way your team members relate to one another can dramatically affect team morale. If your employees are experiencing low morale or low team morale, team-building activities can help build stronger bonds between team members. If your company is remote, consider hosting virtual happy hours to strengthen team relationships. Likewise, using activities like icebreakers in meetings will help team members bond with one another. 

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6. Start an Employee Recognition Program

An employee recognition program will act as a built-in system for boosting morale. Making an effort to regularly acknowledge staff’s achievements will boost each person’s self-confidence and allow team members to take pride in their hard work. Moreover, knowing that they work for a company that recognizes their efforts will encourage them to continue to do their best work going forward. 

If your company is facing low morale and low team morale, it’s time to make a change. Get your team back on track by reviving your company culture. Connect with us to learn how to best boost morale in your workplace.

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