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Community Manager

The Community Manager facilitates connections and activities of the Hub, promotes broader awareness of the community, and manages the details of volunteering and scheduling. This is a great role for a facilitator at any stage of their career who is interested in building their knowledge, skill set, and active global network of other facilitators. 

Although many of the Community Manager’s responsibilities and tasks have been defined, there is enormous room for development and growth, based on the creativity and initiative of the person in the role. 

This is a part-time position, anticipated to take an average of 15 hours per week. Work can be done at any time from anywhere, though occasional real-time connections and meetings will be required. 

Desired characteristics and skills: community-mindedness, attention to detail, creativity, accuracy, timeliness, excellent communication, and a genuine interest in strengthening both relationships and the field of facilitation.

Pay Range: $20-25 per hour


1. Recruiting Volunteers

The Hub averages between 6 and 20 newcomers each week. A subset of these newcomers have indicated in their applications that they may be or definitely are interested in volunteering. Additionally, Hub members may submit an application to become volunteers at any time, from this page on the Voltage Control site. The Community Manager recruits and encourages Hub members to volunteer, in ways they find meaningful and beneficial. 

Tasks include:

  • Weekly review and outreach to newcomers report for people who have indicated an interest in volunteering

  • Ensure scheduling and running of bi-monthly Volunteer Orientation Huddles (volunteer-led)

  • Periodically post messages to Connections that highlight the benefits of volunteering and invite members to explore volunteering opportunities

  • Develop and pursue other methods for recruiting volunteers

2. Coordinating Volunteers

There are currently 6 defined volunteer roles: Regional Lead; Community Catalyst; Newcomer Guide; Community Connector; Knowledge Curator; and Huddle Lead. Each of these can be filled by 2 or more volunteers, so the pool of active volunteers at any time could be 20 or more.The Community Manager maintains the roster of active volunteers, as well as coordinating and supporting the activity of all volunteers. 

Tasks include:

  • Serve as the first point of contact for questions and needs

  • Send reminders if needed/monitor and intervene with inactive volunteers

  • Secure replacements if needed

  • Escalate potential Regional Leads to Douglas

  • Keep track of start/end dates and follow up with volunteers when their term is expiring

  • Enhancing over time the tools and methods for coordinating volunteers

3. Community Promotion

The Community Manager stays up-to-date on activity in the Hub, including interesting discussions, upcoming events, new resources, and opportunities to connect, and uses that awareness to promote participation in the Hub both within the community and via other platforms.

Tasks include:

  • Weekly posts to LinkedIn and other social platforms, offering highlights

  • Monthly features and teasers in the Voltage Control newsletter

  • Monthly reminders in the Connections space about ways members can get more value from the dialogue and opportunities of the Hub

  • Talent-scouting – identifying insightful members and personally inviting them to share a tip, recommendation or other bit of knowledge in the Hub

  • Developing and pursuing other creative approaches to promoting the Hub

4. Community Management

The Community Manager maintains the clarity and effectiveness of the Hub online by ensuring material is in the right place, tagged properly, and is appropriate for the community. The volume of posts in the Hub is currently less than 1 per day on average.

Tasks include:

  • Monitor activity for orphan posts and prompt response

  • Monitor activity for misplaced posts and move them to the appropriate location

  • Monitor activity for breach of guidelines and take action

  • Ensure categories are added to resources by Knowledge Curators (volunteers)

  • Run monthly stats and raise any concerns or emerging opportunities relating to activity

  • Identifying and pursuing other opportunities for improved management of the community

5. Alumni/Pro Access Support

Certification alumni and active volunteers have Pro Access. The Community Manager is responsible for nurturing relationships of mutual value with alumni and volunteers and ensuring that they are aware of and utilizing the benefits of Pro Access.

Tasks include:

  • Build relationships with alumni by getting to know their strengths, interests, and goals for participation in the Hub/alumni community

  • Connect alumni with jobs, events, opportunities, and Hub discussions relevant to their interests and expertise

  • Serve as the first point of contact for questions and requests for support with Pro Access

  • Promote Pro Access features, including answering any subsequent questions about how to gain Pro Access (certification and/or active volunteering)

  • Develop and implement other creative approaches to engaging with, supporting, and promoting alumni

What You'll Get

How to Apply

Please send your resume and a cover letter detailing your experience in community management and your passion for facilitation to