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Next Cohort Deadline March 21st Apply Today
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Facilitation | January 5, 2022

Facilitating Virtual Meetings is top-of-mind for more people than ever as we shift towards remote work. There are ever increasing norms for virtual meetings; many companies, teams, and facilitators have been practicing the art of virtual meetings for a while now, and with that practice we are developing norms for virtual meetings that we feel facilitators and attendees alike should be privy too.

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Meeting Culture | December 21, 2021

How to drive a culture of innovation at your organization in today’s unique environment: 1. Allow flexible work options whenever possible 2. Prioritize DEI initiatives 3. Utilize Innovation Training 4. Promote autonomy within your team as much as possible 5. Have an appetite for risk

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Podcast | December 14, 2021

Control the Room Podcast: Douglas Ferguson speaks with Jennifer Reil about her experience working at IDEO, metacognition, and teaching at the Management School at the University of Toronto. We talk about her new book Creating Great Choices: A Leader’s Guide to Integrative Thinking. We then discuss the difficulty in building the capacity to think about what we think about and opposing modals of thinking. Listen in to learn how to build empathy, the curse of knowledge, and failing better.

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Podcast | December 7, 2021

Control the Room Podcast: Douglas Ferguson speaks with Darren Chait about his experience building productivity software for teams. We discuss the link between bad meetings and bad cultures, how productivity software has changed in the past 5 years, and his unconventional point of view on the return to work post covid. Listen in to learn about ‘killing meeting sacred cows’, communication bandwidths, and empowering people to work when they’re most productive. 

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Meeting Culture | October 27, 2021

We’ve rounded up 10 of our top Control the Room podcast episodes that span topics from design thinking and remote work to how to be a great facilitator and have courageous conversations in the workplace. Listen in to start having more magical meetings today.