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Next Cohort Deadline June 22nd Apply Today
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Podcast | April 23, 2024

In this episode of the Facilitation Lab podcast, Douglas Ferguson converses with Susan Wilson Go Lab about her evolution from a K-12 district administrator to an expert in educational leadership and facilitation. Susan delves into her career progression, the significance of adapting to different organizational cultures, and the patience needed for effective change facilitation. Her reflections offer valuable insights into the world of professional learning and the art of facilitation.

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Meeting Culture | April 16, 2024

Discover the transformative power of storytelling in design thinking with our comprehensive guide. Storytelling, proven to be up to 22 times more memorable than mere facts, plays a pivotal role in design by turning abstract concepts into tangible user experiences. It combines cognitive neuroscience insights with creative visualization to enhance memory retention, simplify complexities, and foster deep emotional connections. Learn how narrative and visual elements, when integrated effectively, can revolutionize design processes, making them more user-centric, engaging, and effective. This guide highlights the profound impact storytelling has on the human brain, referencing studies from the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. It illustrates the benefits of storytelling in design, including engaging users, simplifying complex ideas, building empathy, enhancing collaboration, and motivating action.

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Podcast | April 1, 2024

In this episode, Douglas Ferguson and JJ Rogers delve into the nuances of crafting engaging, delightful, and efficient meetings and workshops. They explore JJ's journey in product design and facilitation, emphasizing the importance of joy and surprise in creating delightful experiences. The discussion highlights strategies for engaging participants, especially in virtual settings, by introducing novel experiences and emphasizing user feedback. Key takeaways include the significance of preparation in facilitation, the power of celebrating achievements to foster team cohesion, and innovative ways to incorporate user stories and feedback into design processes. This podcast is a treasure trove for facilitators, designers, and anyone interested in enhancing collaboration and user experiences. Tune in to gain actionable insights on transforming routine meetings into memorable, impactful gatherings that prioritize user delight and effective collaboration.

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Alumni Stories | March 27, 2024

Julie Baeb reflects on her facilitation journey, tracing her path from diverse roles in advertising, architecture, and education to her role as a strategic innovator. At Stanford's, she gained insights that transformed her facilitation approach, enhancing her impact in education and consulting. Her experience with Voltage Control was pivotal, expanding her facilitation toolkit and enabling her to apply new techniques across professional and personal settings. Julie's story emphasizes the power of facilitation to foster innovation, collaboration, and meaningful change, highlighting its role in her career evolution and success.

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Meeting Culture | March 1, 2024

Delve into the crucial role of communication in the realm of collaborative leadership, offering strategic insights to overcome common hurdles and enhance team interaction. Learn how establishing a shared vision, fostering an open communication culture, utilizing technology, practicing active listening and empathy, and providing regular feedback can transform your team's efficiency and innovation. Understand the specific tactics to tackle communication barriers in diverse and virtual settings, ensuring your leadership approach aligns with modern organizational demands. Ideal for leaders seeking to boost their collaborative efforts, this guide is packed with practical advice to refine communication strategies, foster a united team, and achieve superior outcomes in any collaborative environment. Embrace these strategies to lead your team towards shared success and organizational growth.