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Facilitation | January 5, 2022

Facilitating Virtual Meetings is top-of-mind for more people than ever as we shift towards remote work. There are ever increasing norms for virtual meetings; many companies, teams, and facilitators have been practicing the art of virtual meetings for a while now, and with that practice we are developing norms for virtual meetings that we feel facilitators and attendees alike should be privy too.

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Podcast | January 4, 2022

In this episode of Control the Room, I had the pleasure of speaking with Tricia Ratliff about her years of enterprise experience leading innovation initiatives, nuances of facilitation, and commonalities of successful shifts in the way people work together. She also shares how the pandemic shifted the objective of her work. We then discuss how to virtualize a program, accidental innovations, and the importance of norms, values, and ground rules. Listen in to hear why it’s important to listen to objectors of transformation efforts. Â