The necessity for retrospectives and debriefs is obvious when something goes wrong. We usually have an intentional debrief only when a meeting was a terrible one, or when a project failed. This is a mistake; we should be debriefing all the time. Learn our top methods to make meeting debriefs successful.
Meeting Culture
The best tools, practices, methods, and systems to create and maintain a healthy meeting culture.
This is part of the 2020 Control The Room speaker video series. In February we hosted the second annual facilitator summit, Control The Room, at Austin’s…
The global workforce is no stranger to meetings. Based on the odds alone, there’s a good chance you are sitting in a meeting while reading…
Communication is the lifeblood of a meeting. Learn how to better communicate as a facilitator and as a participant to have productive meetings.
Christina Wodtke, author of best-selling book Radical Focus and a lecturer at Stanford University, has helped grow companies such as LinkedIn, Zynga, Yahoo, and The…
It's important to share the narrative of meetings so that people understand the effectiveness and outcomes generated. A story spine helps you create magical meetings.
Meetings can get off track, here are three ways to bring them back for optimum meeting outcomes: 1) Reference visible resources & allow for self-correction 2) Directly Address Team Members 3) Ask the group
We are passionate about helping people everywhere have better meetings. So we're sharing one of our pro-level tips to do so: do the work in…
Solomon Masala, the founder of the Source Consulting Group, spoke at the 2020 Control the Room facilitator summit about the seven elements of operating experimentally.
Successful virtual meetings follow ground rules. Learn how to establish your own set of rules to experience better meetings today.