Attention Facilitators! I've super excited to share with you a few features that I've been waiting for since April! When the pandemic canceled every in-person…
Meeting Culture
The best tools, practices, methods, and systems to create and maintain a healthy meeting culture.
Words are powerful. They hold weight and meaning, sometimes beyond what we immediately recognize when we use them. Take the word “meeting.” What do you…
1. Make Sure You Actually Need a Meeting How many times have you been sitting in a meeting thinking ‘this could have been an email?’…
Meetings are nothing without the participation of its attendees. No matter how incredible a facilitator may be, a meeting will not be successful without the…
We don't always need a meeting; unnecessary meetings waste time and money. Use the Should We Even Have a Meeting Test to decide if you should have a meeting.
Control the Room Podcast: Douglas Ferguson talks to Alison Coward, founder of Bracket, about how to make space for conflict, why there is power in the introduction, and how your team can define who they are as an objective. Listen in to find out how to understand the context of what you're working in, how you can create the environment to do your best work as a team, and why shared empathy across a team is so important.
Arguably one of the most famous Albert Einstein quotes is: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting…
Treat meeting prep like a surgeon preps for surgery–strategically, meticulously, and with eyes wide open.
If there’s a secret sauce to successful product development, it’s human-centered design. To truly create anything with purpose, you must create with the end-user in mind. …
Theres a better way to run Design Sprints using a customer-centered approach. A 2-Canvas System better serves participants by decreasing content overwhelm, heightening efficiency, and helping facilitators stay more organized.