Control the Room Summit: J. Schuh, Design Strategist at Sabre and Design Thinking facilitator, spoke about the importance of sharing stories through “story stacks”—a collection of stories that facilitators can call upon to tell at a moment’s notice to communicate a lesson learned or an idea they are presenting.
Better Meetings
Control the Room Summit 2020: Lee Duncan, Enterprise Design Sprint Leader at IBM, and Dan Benedict, Digital Product Designer at IBM present "Cyber-Physical Design Sprints within the Enterprise." They detailed the six steps of the cyber-physical system (anything that can sense, infer, and act, such as self-driving cars and changing thermostats) and how to navigate the innovation process.
At Voltage Control, we think of professional facilitation as a team’s personal Invisible Hand and Silver Tongue.
Control the Room Summit: Taylor Cone, Founder & CEO at Lightshed, speaks about how to maximize the creative output of teams in his presentation “Designing Inclusive Collaborations to Leverage Team Diversity.”
Control the Room Podcast: Douglas Ferguson speaks with Hailey Temple, Learning Experience Lead at MURAL, about injecting humanity into our meetings, widening the boundaries of your understanding, and creating spaces for all to flourish.
Control the Room Podcast: Douglas Ferguson speaks with Keith McCandless, Co-creator of Liberating Structures, about goat rodeos, grief walking, and prototyping responses to unsafe behaviors. Listen in to find out what’s giving Keith hope right now.
Control the Room Summit 2020: Erin Lamberty, Director of Strategy & Culture Change at The Design Gym, speaks about how to navigate uncomfortable conversations and facilitate the unexpected.
Control the Room Podcast: Douglas Ferguson speaks with Jan DeVisch, an executive professor at Flanders Business School, about reducing reality into logical categories, software that can help facilitators pre-assess a team’s communication patterns, and resistance as a concept invented by the facilitator.
Control the Room Summit 2020: Shannon Stott, owner of Shannon Unlimited, presents "Stick to Your Shit", a talk about how individual success translates to group success.
Control the Room Podcast: Douglas Ferguson speaks with Kristin Fulton, Development and Operations Manager for Schools That Can, about closing the opportunity and skills gap, teaching confidence, and the tipping point at which students become leaders.