Control the Room Summit 2021: Jennifer Marin Jericho, Co-Founder and Design and Communication Strategist of Jericho Vinegar Works, presents tactics for Effective Facilitation and Facilitation Pitfalls for when things don’t go the way you expect.
Control the Room Summit 2021: Erik Skogsberg, VP of Learning Experience at Voltage Control, speaks on how the best learning experiences are learner-focused.
Control the Room Summit 2021: Emily Bowen, Holistic Leadership Consultant and Educator at The Peace Nerd, discusses how to facilitate using peace, love, and understanding.
Control the Room Summit 2021: Leslie Forman, Senior User Experience Researcher at LinkedIn, speaks about secrets, constraints, and emojis at Voltage Control's 3rd Annual Facilitator Summit.
7 practices to go beyond the prototype and launch your next big idea.
Christina Wodtke, author of best-selling book Radical Focus and a lecturer at Stanford University, has helped grow companies such as LinkedIn, Zynga, Yahoo, and The…
Control the Room Podcast: Douglas Ferguson speaks with Sam McAfee, Founder of Startup Patterns, about Breaking the divide between your personal values and professional persona.
Innovation Series: Douglas Ferguson talks with Dr. Zayna Khayat, Future Strategist of SE Health, about disruption gurus, Kaiser Permanente, and why she tries to ban the word innovation with her team.
Innovation Series: Douglas Ferguson talks to multidisciplinary designer Lisa Baird about her career journey, falling in love with the problem, the helpfulness of curmudgeonly people, and the deeper systems underneath user experiences.
CTR Podcast: Host Douglas Ferguson speaks with Lynda Baker, founder and president of Meeting Solutions Online, about her relationship with IAF and they take a deep dive into the concepts of facilitation and why you don't need to manage or control every part of a conversation.