Conducting remote design thinking sessions can be a challenge. This guide will help increase engagement and collaboration in your next remote session.
Facilitation skills, methods, and practices to run effective and productive meetings & events, both in-person & virtual.
Understand how a virtual facilitator trainer certification saves time and improves outcomes. Facilitate effectively. Strengthen your approach with Voltage Control.
Facilitating Virtual Meetings is top-of-mind for more people than ever as we shift towards remote work. There are ever increasing norms for virtual meetings; many companies, teams, and facilitators have been practicing the art of virtual meetings for a while now, and with that practice we are developing norms for virtual meetings that we feel facilitators and attendees alike should be privy too.
2021 is officially at its end, and before we take the first step into the new year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on a year that will be remembered as one of great leaps, coupled with devastating tragedy. Let’s take a look at some of our best moments.
Douglas Ferguson speaks with Moe Ali, a facilitator, service designer, and creative human enabler based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
When it comes to facilitation, you may be leading a single meeting or conducting a series, one fact remains true of all. Your purpose is to manage discussions, help create a safe space for ideas to emerge and grow from ALL participants, and ultimately to resolve the issue at hand.
We outline the basics of innovation consulting services and advice to find a credible workshop agency.
We want to share a bit more about the design behind our program, how its different components fit together to provide a robust learning experience, and share a few tips to help you in your growth as a facilitator.
Incorporate facilitation skills and best meeting practices to make every meeting more productive and effective.
How do you set your team up for successful virtual meetings? Voltage control shares 5 strategies for high-engagement and productivity.