How do you set your team up for successful virtual meetings? Voltage control shares 5 strategies for high-engagement and productivity.
Meeting Culture
The best tools, practices, methods, and systems to create and maintain a healthy meeting culture.
Incorporate Liberating Structures in your next retrospective to optimize individual team member performance and group collaboration.
Adapt Liberating Structures to the virtual landscape to unleash engagement, provide space for good ideas, and address challenges your remote team or organization may be facing.
Individuals have different working styles and needs. Differentiation in the workplace requires you to first understand the individual needs and learning styles of your team members then provide them with what they need to thrive.
Prepare for the future of remote work by a tweaking elements of remote and in-person work environments to support a hybrid work environment.
While we must strive for diversity and inclusion in the workplace, over-including for certain conversations can be a distraction from your purpose and the work itself. Only invite who you need in a meeting.
5 best practices for a hybrid workplace: remember the importance of technology & tools, take care of your people, make job listings remote, communication is key, be adaptable.
The return to work is the start of another transition in the workplace. The integration of hybrid work will require new systems and processes that focus on human connection.
Too many meetings are spent talking about what needs to be done instead of actually doing it. Do the work in the meeting with these 5 tips.
Visualize your thinking for more effective meetings by using prototypes to define a clear purpose and direction for collaborative work.